Grey eclipse

Privacy Policy

Grey Eclipse Limited is dedicated to safeguarding and preserving your privacy when visiting our site or communicating electronically with us. This Privacy Policy provides information on when and why we collect your personal information, how we use it, the limited conditions under which we may disclose it to others, how we keep it secure, and your rights relating to your personal data.


Grey Eclipse Limited is a private company registered in England and Wales with company number 10406071.  The registered office address is:
Suite 4, 123 Stratford Road, Shirley, B90 3ND.
Grey Eclipse Limited is a Data Controller for the purposes of the Data Protection Act 1988 (DPA) and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).  Ian Fitzpatrick is the Data Protection Officer.
All data protection enquiries and requests can be sent to:


We may collect the following data about you:

  • Details of your visits to our website and the resources that you access, including, but not limited to:

    • Traffic data;

    • Location data;

    • Weblogs and other communication data;

    • IP Address.

  • Information that you provide to us, either directly by telephone, email or written correspondence, or via our website, such as:

    • Your name and contact details, including email address, and telephone number;

    • your communication and marketing preferences.

This list is not exhaustive and, in specific instances, we may need to collect additional data for the purposes set out in this Policy.  Some of the above personal data is collected directly, e.g. when you submit a form on our website, or send an email to our Client Services team.  Other personal data is collected indirectly, e.g. when you browse our website.  We may also collect personal data from third parties who have your consent to pass your details to us, or from publicly available sources.

We do not knowingly collect data relating to children.


The information that we collect and store relating to you is primarily used to enable us to provide our services to you.  In addition, we may use the information for the following purposes:

  • To provide you with information requested from us, relating to our products or services;

  • To provide information on other products or services which we feel may be of interest to you;

  • To provide you with newsletters and industry updates;

  • To meet our contractual commitments to you;

  • To notify you about any changes to our website, such as improvements or service/product changes, that may affect our service;

  • To verify your identity as part of our client take-on procedures;

  • For crime and fraud prevention, detection and related purposes;

  • Where we have a legal duty to use or disclose your information (for example in relation to an investigation by a public authority).


We are committed to keeping your data safe and secure.

Our security measures include: -

  • Storing data on secure systems;

  • Security controls which protect our IT infrastructure from external attack and unauthorised access;

  • Internal policies and procedures setting out our approach to data protection.


Where applicable, we may disclose your personal information to any member of our group. This includes, where applicable, our subsidiaries, our holding company and its other subsidiaries.

However, we will never sell or rent our customer data to other organisations for marketing purposes, and we will not disclose your personal data to third parties, except as set out as follows:-

  • Where we sell any or all of our business and/or our assets to a third party.

  • Where we are legally required to disclose your information.

  • To assist fraud protection and minimise credit risk.


We will not retain your data for longer than is necessary for the purposes set out in this Policy.  Different retention periods apply for different types of data, however the longest we will normally hold any personal data is 6 years following disengagement.



We collect and use personal data because is it necessary for:

  • The pursuit of our legitimate interests (see below);

  • The purposes of complying with our duties and exercising our rights under a contract or agreement with a client; or

  • Complying with our legal obligations.

 We would only generally rely on consent as a legal basis for processing data in relation to sending direct marketing communications to clients via email or post.

Where consent is the only legal basis for processing data, we will cease to process data should such consent be withdrawn.

Contract Fulfilment

Our usual legal basis for processing data is that it is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract

Legitimate Interests

Processing data may also be necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by Grey Eclipse or by a third party, including:-

  • Protecting clients, employees and other individuals and maintaining their safety, health and welfare;

  • Marketing, promotion and advertising our services;

  • Sending promotional communications which are relevant and tailored to individual clients and business partners;

  • Understanding our clients’ behaviour, activities, preferences, and needs;

  • Improving existing products and services and developing new products and services;

  • Complying with our legal and regulatory obligations;

  • Preventing, investigating and detecting crime, or fraud, including working with law enforcement agencies and Government bodies;

  • Handling client contacts, queries, complaints or disputes;


You have the following rights:

  • The right to ask what personal data we hold about you at any time;

  • The right to ask us to correct or update incorrect or out-of-date or personal data;

  • The right to have your personal data erased;

  • The right to object to your data being used for direct marketing purposes;

  • The right to move, copy or transfer personal data easily from one IT environment to another in a safe and secure way without interrupting the usability;

  • The right to request the restriction or destruction of your personal data;

  • The right to withdraw consent for the processing of personal data to which consent was requested;

  • The right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office.

If you wish to exercise any of the above rights, please contact us using the contact details set out above.


The Grey Eclipse website uses "cookies".  A cookie, a commonly used data collection technology, is a small file which is placed on your computer's browser to help personalise your web experience. A cookie cannot read data from your hard drive or read cookie files created by other sites.

We do not use cookies to collect personal data.  We use cookies only to facilitate your navigation of the site and to collect aggregate usage data.

Cookies are sometimes used to improve the website experience of a visitor to a website. When collected, this information is used by us to improve our website and further enhance the visitor experience.

Where used, these cookies are downloaded to your computer automatically.  This cookie file is stored on the hard drive of your computer.  Cookies contain information that is transferred to your computer’s hard drive and then stored there and transferred to us where appropriate to help us to improve our website and the service that we provide to you.

All computers have the ability to decline cookies.  You can easily decline or remove cookies from your computer using the settings within the Internet Options section in your computer control panel.

Please note that some features on this site will not function if you do not allow cookies.


You might find links to third party websites on our website. These websites should have their own privacy policies which you should check. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for their policies whatsoever as we have no control over them.


This policy was last updated in May 2018.